What Are The Types Of Lasers Available And Their Application?

As we know, there are several types of lasers, each with a specific function that combats a specific problem. Therefore, we can say that each problem requires a different type of laser and a more significant number of sessions. To better understand, we selected the leading lasers currently available and the purpose for which they are used:

Laser Fraxel Restore

It is a fractional and non-ablative laser in HERO Laser Treatment in Minnesota for example. He is responsible for promoting remodeling in collagen fibers and elastin present in the face. This happens from the inside out and helps improve the skin’s appearance, making it look healthier and younger. This type of laser requires continuous use of sunscreen after the procedure.

It is indicated for:

  • Treatment of premature aging
  • Attenuate fine lines
  • Improve stains and wrinkles and
  • Help with the healing of acne and stretch marks

Laser CO2

The fractional CO2 laser has an ablative action, which promotes collagen formation in the body. With this, it manages to restructure the skin and make it uniform and firm. The use of sunscreen after the procedure is also indicated.

It is indicated for:

  • Attenuate expression lines
  • Reduce wrinkles, acne, and stains and
  • Bring firmness to the skin

Laser Fraxel Dual

The Fraxel Dual laser is also an example of a fractional and ablative laser, capable of treating the skin in its most diverse depths. This means that your result is better compared to previous lasers. After the sessions, dermatologists recommend using sunscreen.

It is indicated for:

  • Help the restructuring of damaged skins
  • Reduce wrinkles and acne spots
  • Correct skin irregularities
  • Treat dark circles and melasma
  • Between others

Laser Quantum

This laser which can be done in Metropolitan Skin Clinic for instance has many applications, such as smoothing acne scars, sun spots, blood vessels, and vascular lesions. Therefore, it can be widely used in the various types of skin care available.

It is indicated for:

  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Correction of blood vessels
  • Sunspots

Between others.

Q-Switched ND Yag Laser

This laser is one of the best options for treating skin problems on the face. Most experts consider it to be the best laser treatment for the face. It is mainly used for eyebrow micropigmentation removal as well as tattoo removal. In this sense, every aesthetic clinic should buy ND Yag laser to offer this treatment.

One of the significant advantages of this type of laser is that, even with great power, the light pulses fired do not cause any type of damage to the patient’s skin, removing only the pigments in it.

It is indicated for:

  • Tattoo removal
  • Micropigmentation removal and
  • Smoothing of paint residues

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Wed Dec 7 , 2022
There are many doubts when talking about the health of the stump. And it’s no surprise, as this is essential to determining the amputee’s well-being and rehabilitation. Stay with us, see when to start bandaging the stump and learn about Sport & Athletic Orthoses Solutions here., and learn about bandaging […]

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