The Science Behind PGD Gender Selection in Thailand: How It Works and Its Ethical Considerations

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure that involves screening embryos for genetic abnormalities before they are transferred to a woman’s uterus during IVF treatment. PGD Gender Selection is a type of PGD that is used to determine the gender of an embryo. This procedure can be used for various reasons, such as balancing family gender or avoiding gender-linked genetic diseases.

How Does PGD Gender Selection Work?

PGD Gender Selection in Thailand involves extracting a single cell from an embryo and analysing its DNA to determine the gender. This is usually done on the third day of embryo development, before the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage. The embryo is then transferred to the uterus if it is free of genetic abnormalities and has the desired gender.

Ethical Considerations of PGD Gender Selection

PGD Gender Selection raises several ethical considerations, including the potential for gender discrimination and the notion of “designer babies”. Some argue that the use of PGD Gender Selection for non-medical reasons, such as gender selection for social reasons, is a form of gender discrimination. Others argue that the use of PGD Gender Selection for non-medical reasons is a form of “designer babies”, where parents are choosing the traits of their child based on their personal preferences.

However, proponents of PGD Gender Selection argue that it is a tool that allows parents to have greater control over their reproductive choices. For example, PGD Gender Selection can be used to avoid gender-linked genetic diseases, such as Haemophilia, which only affects males. In addition, PGD Gender Selection can be used to balance family gender, which may be important for cultural or religious reasons.

It is important to note that the use of PGD Gender Selection is regulated in many countries, including Thailand, to prevent its misuse. In Thailand, PGD Gender Selection can only be used for medical reasons and not for social reasons. In addition, the procedure must be performed by a qualified medical professional and undergo ethical review.

A Scientific Tool

PGD Gender Selection is a scientific tool that can be used to determine the gender of an embryo before it is transferred during IVF treatment. While it raises ethical considerations, its use for medical reasons such as avoiding gender-linked genetic diseases is widely accepted. In Thailand, the use of PGD Gender Selection is regulated to prevent its misuse, and the procedure can only be used for medical reasons. As with any medical procedure, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional and undergo ethical review before undergoing PGD Gender Selection.

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